Build Muscle, Lose Fat, Get Strong!

Evidence-Based Online Coaching for Lasting Results

Let me ask you this: What change do you want to make in your life? 

You’ve come this far looking for a coach so it must be for an essential reason! You may want to build muscle, lose body fat, or improve your nutrition. 

The good news is I can help you succeed!

It’s my mission to provide you with personalized, evidence-based online coaching, equipping you with the tools and resources to make sustainable changes in your fitness and nutrition. I will hold you accountable, while allowing you to feel supported, empowered, and heard. 

I understand that every client is unique and shouldn’t be given the same cookie-cutter program. As your coach, I aim to make life easier by listening to what you need and integrating sustainable changes with your lifestyle. 

I’m constantly working to serve you through my ongoing education and applying that relevant research to your unique situation. I foster positive yet goal-oriented communication to learn how you respond and can evolve my practices to best suit you. 

If you’re looking for guidance, support, and knowledge to make a meaningful change in your health and fitness, I would love to chat and learn more about how I can help you! 

Schedule a FREE consultation with me by clicking the button below!

Coaching Services

Fitness Programs

Nutrition Programs


“During COVID, Cassidy became my coach and we trained twice a week. I found Cassidy to be diligent, very
well-organized, helpful and lots of fun.

By switching it up, she made the workout so enjoyable that the time flew by. I wasn't bored or fearful, even though the workout was fairly demanding. I may have cursed once or twice but then we laughed and carried on. 

I was so grateful to have spent that otherwise boring time of our lives, keeping fit and losing weight at the same time.

I highly recommend Cassidy as a First-Class coach!”

-Joanne Bernier-McGonigal

Client Testimonials

Let’s Get in Touch!